Across the world, for thousands of years, we have celebrated the turning of the seasons through feasts and magick. Marking the astrological alignments of the sun and moon in order to allow us to live in harmony with the cycles of nature and use that natural force to ensure things such as fertility, abundance, and a bountiful harvest; in new age and wiccan practices, this is known as living in harmony with the Wheel of the Year.
Imbolc is the third Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year and this beloved holiday prepares us to say goodbye to the cold bleak winter and begin greeting the warm and fertile days of spring to come. Imbolc begins on February 1st and last until February 2nd. This festival welcomes in growth and celebrates the newness of the coming spring. It marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara) and translates to ‘ewe’s milk’ or ‘in the belly of the Mother.’
During this time of the year, it was common for many heard animals to give birth to their offspring or be pregnant and as a result they would produce milk. The creation of milk became a large symbol of the hope of spring. Imbolc is considered especially sacred to the Celtic Fire Goddess Brigid, the patron of cattle, midwifery, poetry, new born babies, as well as smith crafting and healing. This festival marks the time when Brigid would form in the sun and spread her green cloak across the land releasing it from the icy grip of winter. She was said to represent the light half of the year which banishes the darkness so it's no wonder that fire and light are considered sacred to her. Imbolc became marked by it bonfires, lit candles, blazing hearths, and feasts of the sacred food offered to us by the sun.
It is the time to begin anew, let go of the past, cleanse and release the negative energy, and create a safe and open space for new beginnings to transpire. As the days get brighter and warmer remember so to do your aspirations and manifestations grow and flourish.

Some ways to celebrate Imbolc:
1) Have a bonfire if you’re someplace that you can burn safely; when in doubt stick to a candle and feel the light and warmth that is to return. If you’re feeling fancy feel free to throw some herbs in your fire or burn them carefully in a candle.
2) Break out the cleaning products and give your space a proper spring clean. For most people, long dark winters mean a lot of time staying indoors so this is the perfect time for cleansing and purification to create a cleaner and brighter space for the newness of the spring. So get rid of all that old clutter and get out of that winter rut. Try burning some sage, palo santo, or yerba santa to help cleanse your space and make any room in your house feel all the more sacred. Also try taking a ritual bath to help cleanse and heal your body and relax your mind. Feel free to check out our Self-Love Ritual Salt Soak and allow it to cleanse and heal your entire body, mind, and soul.
3) Get your craft on with some crafty rituals. One of the most well-known is to weave a Brigid's Cross or Sun Cross to hang in the house said to protect the home from fire, bringing blessing to your loved ones, and honoring the Sun Goddess. You can also make a corn husk doll to honor the Goddess and place it within the hearth, on your altar, or near your kitchen so you may welcome in the Goddess and the fertility and abundance she will bring. For more information about Imbolc related crafts feel free to check out this article.
4) Visit a body of water and bring some home to sprinkle around the house, office space, fields, or person to invoke the blessings of spring.
5) If you have an altar decorate it with poems, candles, healing herbs, flowers, imbolc crafts, or anything that reminds you of spring.
6) Change your wallpaper on your phone or computer to something that will help you remain hopeful and keep the mindset that the darkness is fading and the light will once again return.
7)Find a guided meditation for Imbolc.
8) Write your own ritual and perform it or write some poetry as Brigid is a patron of poetry this is a great way to honor her.
9) Make a celebratory meal or cake. For more information of foods related to Imbolc please check out this article.
10) Go for a walk and look for the first signs of spring such as birds chirping, snow melting, trees and bushes growing their first leaves, or even just the feeling of the sun warming the land.
11) Leave an offering for Brigid such as milk, butter, or bread.
12) Plant or sow your seeds its a great time to get those baby plants started and watch them grow as spring returns.
13) Say an Imbolc prayer, pinterest can be a great place to find some to start with or below is an image of the one we found and like.

There are many ways to celebrate Imbolc. If you enjoy performing rituals as we do you can find a lot on google although we highly encourage you to try and create your own and implement your personal magick. Find whatever feels best and go with it! Below I have listed a few of the symbols that correlate with Imbolc to help you make your own unique celebration.
Symbolism: purity, growth, renewal, getting rid of the old to make way for the new
Symbols: white flowers, besoms, corn husk dolls, sun cross (Brigid's Cross), candles
Herbs: angelica, basil, blackberry, myrrh, violets, any white or yellow flower
Colors: white, yellow, pink, red, green, brown
We wish you a very happy and blessed Imbolc!
-The Greye's