Happy 2020, we hope the new year is treating everyone well!
This months big theme is all about enlightenment and we are blasting off the new decade with a powerful full moon in Cancer.
January 10th Full Moon

The January 10th Full Moon in Cancer brings a sense of comfort into the beginning of the new decade. It is an important time to honor your feelings as we charge into our new ventures. Take some time to celebrate and strengthen bonds with those around you as well as yourself, remember to rest when it is needed and celebrate the small daily victories. How can you strengthen your relationships to improve stability? This full moon asks us to think about the ways we can gain more abundance and stability in your day to day life and in what ways could you be blocking yourself from achieving your desires.
Aquarius Season

On January 20th, the Sun enters Aquarius for the next 30 days ushering in a month of expanded thinking, bigger picture ideas and larger than life impacts. It is a great time to assess the role you play within your community and in the world around you, whether you're active or inactive within your communities you still play a role within them so think of some things you can do that have a positive impact and think of some of the things you do, maybe even without noticing, that may harm your community and the well being of the surrounding individuals. Be the mad scientist and tinker around with some new ideas and interventions; get in touch with your inner social justice warrior and take action. It’s time to get involved and get ready for this Aquarius season.
January 24th New Moon

The January 24th New Moon in Aquarius is the perfect time to implement those new plans. This new moon asks us to think about the ways we may be being stingy or selfish and find ways to give back to our communities. Welcome in the charming idiosyncrasies that focus on looking inwards and set your intentions. Remember that manifesting for yourself and others takes effort so think of the ways you can help yourself over the next moon cycle to ensure you follow through. Don’t be afraid to dream big Aquarius season is the perfect time to shake things up.
This months energy is filled with a strong connection to fate so pay attention to your souls deepest desires. All of these energies serve a purpose to raise consciousness of each of us as individuals as well as the world as a whole.