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May 2020: Intuitive Astrology Forecast

Writer's picture: The Greye'sThe Greye's

To start off this month not only is it Beltane, the middle mark between Spring and Summer, we also have a string of planets transitioning into their retrograde period; by the end of the month we will be preparing for eclipse season. There is no doubt that May is an important month, but with it comes a softness that brings romance and creativity into our lives.

May 7th Full Moon in Scorpio

The sun is in Taurus opposite of Scorpio bringing the home and family into sharper focus over the next couple of weeks. Problems over work versus home and need versus want may arise. This is a great time for introspection and self reflection as this is the first positive moon phase we have had for the last six weeks, making this a potent time for spiritual as well as physical healing. Be sure to take the time to take care of your body and your mind as you may be feeling more emotional during this time. During those moments of high passion and emotion try to see through to the other side with clarity and try to find deeper understanding behind the way you feel and react to certain situations and environments. If you find that you are having issues in certain areas take the time to sort it out before we move into the faster energies that summer will bring in a little over a month.

Saturn Retrograde May 11th in Aquarius

Saturn’s rare retrograde in Aquarius calls for intense changes. This will be an even more intense period for Aquarius and Capricorn signs as Saturn rules both and you may feel as though you’re out of sync with the world around you. This retrograde period ends September 29th, 2020 and prompts us to realize that our authenticity is valid. Be loyal to your inner self and look for win - win options that help satisfy the needs of the general public, rather than solving problems based on personal satisfaction alone. Push yourself to think outside of yourself and become a part of the collective.

Jupiter Retrograde May 14th in Capricorn

Jupiter takes about 12 years to make a trip around the sun and retrogrades every year for about three months. Jupiter in retrograde marks a wise time to review your visions, morals, and conviction systems. This will be most intense for the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) as they are leadership signs it will be important to learn how to work as a community despite our differences at large.

Sun enters Gemini May 21st

Gemini season kicks off on May 21st and lasts until June 21st (summer solstice) and will bring with it a much needed breath of fresh air. Since the twins are naturally an air sign, Gemini season is our invitation to air ourselves out, full of fresh ideas and clearer visions for our goals. As Gemini is a very social time depending on the shut down conditions, this may become a difficult period as it can bring with it a deeper desire for connection, friendship, and conversation. Just remember there are ways for you to connect with yourself and the people around you without breaking social distancing and with all the creative energy around I’m sure we can think of new ways to bond with friends and family, even through the hardships and truly make the best of each moment.

New Moon in Taurus May 22nd

We begin our new lunar cycle in Taurus, connecting us with dreamy Neptune, marking a time for harvests and creative ideas. During this time, we may feel more inspired and motivated to do something new and branch out. We may also feel a sense of heightened sensitivity and intuition making it easy to feel in tune with others. Take advantage of the positive vibes and start something new that could benefit you and your community. Now is an important time to simply accept change as a part of life. The problem may be finding self-respect to ensure you’re not seeking that from the material world. When you are truly able to accept yourself, you will find the same tranquility and bliss in the world around you.

Patience this month becomes very important as we have 4 planets in retrograde come the end of May. Lots of creative energy and motivation for change will be ideal in helping you stay not only positive in day to day life but productive as well. This month, try at least one thing that may be beyond your comfort zone, and take the time to learn to express yourself in the most authentic way possible as we get ready for the summer months ahead.


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